Revoltado pai mata e arranca parte do saco escrotal de homem que estuprou seu filho no interior do AM


Manaus – Um agricultor foi preso na noite de quinta-feira (6) suspeito de matar um homem que teria violentado o filho dele, de 9 anos, no município de Tonantins, a 865 km de Manaus. Após o homicídio, ele se entregou à polícia. A criança teria sido amarrada dentro de um curral, na quarta-feira (5).

O agricultor se apresentou na sede do Conselho Tutelar de Tonantins, dizendo que havia disparado contra o suspeito, que era conhecido da família. O homem teria aproveitado que estava somente a mãe e a criança em casa, para cometer o abuso.

“Chegou no conselho este caso. Ele [o suspeito] sempre aparecia lá pela casa da família. Na versão do pai, o suspeito apanhou um açaí e mandou a esposa [do agricultor] preparar. No que a mãe da criança se entreteu na cozinha, ele chamou o menino para um curral e se aproveitou da criança lá”, disse o conselheiro Luís José Custódio.

Segundo testemunhas, o suspeito chegou a amarrar a criança dentro do curral para poder cometer o abuso. Ao perceber a chegada do pai, ele fugiu para uma área de mata. A família socorreu o menino e o agricultor entrou na mata atrás do agressor.

Dentro da floresta, o pai teria desferido dois tiros contra o homem, que morreu no local. Em seguida arrancou o saco escrotal do estuprador e depois foi até o Conselho Tutelar para se entregar.

“O pai da criança confessou [que matou o cara]. Ele falou que deu dois tiros. Ele disse que correu para o mato atrás do dele”, disse o conselheiro.

O conselheiro acionou os policiais militares de Tonantins. Os policiais apresentaram o suspeito no 54º Distrito Integrado de Polícia (DIP) município, na noite desta quinta-feira (6).

O Conselho Tutelar do Município disse que vai disponibilizar apoio psicológico para a família e para a criança vítima de violência sexual.

Com informações G1


View Comments (7)

  • Esse pai merece absolvicao por ter feito justiça pelas suas próprias mãos . Parabéns ao PAI DA CRIANÇA.

    • This man's son had gone through more than a man should have to > yet it had not been correct to take the law in one's hand , or you would not need any court < if the courts let the man off , who he shot who is the worst type of predatory animal then a bad situation on the street at the courthouse would get bad , The father can not take the law in his hands , but he was beside himself with blind rage to have his son not only die , but to have his son die in such a perverted way , how could he not of felt so much rage for this animal , that is not even human to do . < even if a police would shoot someone it is investigated , for justice . If he was correct that this was the criminal , and the father was acting like a father protecting his son to his best and was violated that much , he would never of done what he did except in this unhuman act , the justice system would not let this man go unpunished for his crime , Latin America has changed so much due to gangs sent back to countries after being recruited in the united states , and known bad gang members , that have spread like cancer into mostly peaceful areas of latin America that run non official drug distribution , but now have under the table gangs , that have the very young selling in areas of occupation , That the military must reduce the death of these teen agers of lost hope of opportunity , creating such bad bloody crimes , that it becomes common for killers to be untouched by emotion , or care except for a fake feeling of being something like a gangster , That is made worse in prison were gangs keep the peace needs to be addressed , as that is out of control, and if money was not taken by the government a more secure prison could be made to separate even completely to loose any ranking in any gang is the best you can do and not except jail gangs to keep leaders in place each time one is removed , and not alow gangs to run prison that is to be punishing for crime not being a collage ,for gangs and they can get to guards with large sums of money , that puts other guards in danger < Trump needs to help in his deporting by wise repopulating gangs into social society , as many gang members can be held and determined at what risk to society ( Even Trump who is sending them back has said no to terrorist coming into united states ) trump should be helping countries reduce gangs when he ships them into a country , he does not allow in United States because of danger to the public both OBAMA AND TRUMP CALLS THEM TERRORISTS IN SOUTH AMERICA , but only gang members in the USA., WHAT CAN WE DO TO HELP YOU IF ANYTHING , There are Americans that get it , and need to know what you think as if we could work together on this subject , Thank you for reading my post and pray wisdom can be used to address this increasing problem without pointing fingers , and unite to force Governments to act if we grow in size and work on a information data and human rights commision in United nations , and help not make taking law in your handes a thing of normal Latin American no court justice , that is not latin American and should never be , but still hav
      e respect for the emotion of a father who loved his son so much , That somthing made him do this bad thing , that the father turned hemself in , knowing it was right and then wrong also ,and a message should be sent to stop this black cloud of spirit of addiction and loss of hope and alowance of peversion to be accepted much more in the streets by those selling things for the spirit of perversion in those open to such sperits , this is what the Bible calls it , It is not my words of spirits of , addiction or perversion , as jesus set people free from , thos3e who know ,understand the gift of being free from that affliction or bondage amen . So very sad I had to write , and feel American Government and United Nations MUST DO MUCH MORE NOW !! thank you for reading such a long post, I hope I can learn more through communication than just let Government , handle this as to much time has past ! and with the law we can fix this if governments stop taking tax money by few leaders who allow others to do so so they get caught not h
      them and its a big problem that will only get worse without military help , who else can deal with this

  • Isso ai tenque fazer mesmo.onde se viu isso o pai ir preso por causa disso.bem que ele fez tenque matar mesmo isso e um bicho que faz uma crueldade dessa com uma criança.tenque fazer um limpa no mundo com gente deste tipo preso nao adianta depois ta solto fazendo de novo

  • Só acho q ele deveria ter arrancado o saco e deixado esse sem vergonha amarrado no mato sangrando e morrendo aos poucos com o pênis na boca.

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